We have some of the highest ranked male and female karate instructors in the UK
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07984 903082
The oldest established Karate Club in Great Britain est. 1966
Black Belt Syllabus
10 x chudan tsuki
Kizami tsuki, oitsuki, tsugiashi gyaku tsuki, ushiro uraken (both sides)
4 x Oi Tsuki, Chuto Uchi (same hand) Haito, Uratsuki
1 x Ageuke, Gyaku Tsuki, Uraken (bwd)
1 x Uchiuke, Kizami Tsuki, Gyaku Tsuki
1 x Sotouke, Yoko Empi, Uraken, Gyaku Tsuki
1 x Gedanbarai, Uraken, Gyaku Tsuki
1 x Chuto Uke, Maeshi geri, Nukite
Both Sides
8 x Uke + Tsuki (both sides from Kamae into Fudo Dachi)
Both Sides
3 x Yoko Geri Keage/Kekomi (Same Leg) (both sides)
Maegeri, Nidan Tsuki, Yoko Geri Kekomi, Uraken, Gyaku Tsuki, Jodan Mawashi Geri, Gyaku Tsuki, Uraken, Ushiro Geri, Uraken, Gyaku Tsuki, Ura Mawashi Geri, Uraken, Gyaku Tsuki
Both Sides
Hachi Hoi Uraken Uchi + tsuki
2 x maegeri/yoko geri/ushiro geri/mawashi geri
(same leg, 3 x directions, both sides)
Ten No Kata + Bassai Dai, Jion or Kanku Dai + examiners choice of lower kata
Ju - Ippon Kumite
Attackers Choice of 4 x attacks, left and right side
Juute Kumite (2 minutes) [Or Self Defence]
Must attempt to score with four attacking techniques
10 x chudan tsuki
4 x Sanbon Rentsuki (coi waza)
4 x Age empi, yoko empi, ushiro empi, mawashi empi, uraken, gyakutsuki
4 x Oi Tsuki – tate tsuki, Chuto Uchi – tate tsuki, Haito – Uratsuki, ura tsuki – jodan tsuki
1 x Age uke – tate tsuki, gyakutsuki, uraken
1 x Uchi uke – kizami tsuki – tate tsuki, gyakutsuki
1 x soto uke – uraken jodan – uraken chudan, gyakutsuki
1 x gedanbarai – uraken – yoko tsuki, gyakutsuki
1 x chuto uke, maeshe geri – jodan nukite, chudan nukite
Both Sides
8 x open hand blocks and counter/s both sides
4 x directional defensive kicks and tsuki
2 x maegeri/yoko geri/ushiro geri/mawashi geri/ura mawashi geri (same leg)
4 x directional blocks and counters (free choice)
Hachi Hoi Uraken Uchi + uraken & tsuki
Heian Oyo + Empi, Jitte or Hangetsu
+ examiners choice of Bassai Dai, Jion, Kanku Dai or Tekki Nidan
Bunkai to chosen kata
Ju - Ippon Kumite
Demonstrate all open hand blocks, open hand counters, kiashi or tsugiashi uraken, long range and short range and finishing/control techniques
Juute Kumite (2 minutes) OR Bunkai requested from examiner to Heian/Tekki Kata
10 x chokutsuki
8 x Double closed fist blocks and counter/s both sides
8 x Double open hand blocks and counter/s both sides
Attacking Closed Fist combination of candidates choice demonstrating Kase Ha Principles
Attacking Open Hand combination of candidates choice demonstrating Kase Ha Principles
1 x Maegeri, chuto uchi, gyakutsuki / Yoko Geri Kekomi, Kakete, chutouchi / Mawashe Geri, Chudan chuto uchi, gyakutsuki / Ushiro Geri, Chutobarai, chuto uchi
(Both Sides)
(using different breathing methods)
Choice of Bassai Sho, Kanku Sho or Gankaku
(+ bunkai to full kata)
Examiners choice of
Empi, Hangetsu, Jitte or Tekki Sandan
Demonstration of Attacking combinations closed fist and open hand:
Demonstration of all double blocking and countering techniques – combined with escape techniques, long range and short range and finishing/control techniques.
Demonstrate 3 x combinations of no more than 7 x techniques each reflecting Kase Ha principles.
For example:
Oi – waza to Koi waza (big to small techniques)
Yuriashi, Tsugiashi, Kaishi, Kaishi and Tsugiashi 45 degs (sliding step, double step, direct step as well as step and double step at an angle with uraken uchi)
Hente principles after blocking (block and strike with same hand)
Taisho Uke and Uchi (open hand defence and attack)
Use of breathing
Combinations above can be a mixture of attack and defence methods or just attack combinations or defence and counter attack combinations.
Tokui Kata (Kata of own choice not presented at previous gradings)
Bunkai to tokui kata
Apply the 3 x combinations performed in the Kihon section against an opponent.
Demonstrate defence against the following attacks:
Oitsuki Jodan, gyakutsuki Chudan
Oitsuki Chudan, gyakutsuki Jodan
Kizamitsuki Jodan, Gyakutsuki Chudan
Maegeri chudan, Juntsuki Jodan
Applying different Kase Ha Principles.